As in each year, Nancy and Liran were invited by the Commonwealth’s Department of Community and Economical Development (DCED) to participate in a two-week Trade & Investment focused visit covering the span of Pennsylvania.
We met with numerous private companies, industry and regional economical development executives, gaining valuable insights that allow us to facilitate more effective Trade & Investment promotion activities back in Taiwan.
日前,本辦事處處長 Liran 與商務開發經理 Nancy 前往賓州參加 the Commonwealth’s Department of Community and Economical Development (DCED) 所舉辦的貿易投資參訪活動。
過程中,Liran 與 Nancy 會見了許多公司,以及各地域及產業別的經貿發展代表,獲取了豐富的資訊,讓本辦事處能夠更有效地輔佐賓州與台灣之間的經貿促進活動。