萬海航運將提供台灣與費城間海運服務 Wan Hai to Provide Ocean Carrier Services Between Taiwan and Philadelphia
六月21日,萬海航運股份有限公司宣佈與費城帕克大道海運碼頭(PAMT)的新合作,航線將停靠高雄、中國蛇口和青島及越南海防,最後停靠賓州費城。 萬海的亞美9航線定於7月8日從亞洲出發,8月停靠費城。 On June 21st, Wan Hai Lines Ltd. announced its new collaboration with Philadelphia’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal (PAMT), which will connect Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Shekou and Qingdao, China, and Haiphong, Vietnam with the Pennsylvanian trade hub. Wan Hai’s Asia America 9 service is scheduled to depart Asia July 8th, with Philadelphia port calling commencing [...]